Shakerag Top Knitalong

I love the striping, this pattern keeps you in suspense as the effect is so subtle I feel like I need more fabric to really see it fully. I had other plans for this Isager Bomulin, which is 65% cotton and 35% linen, but this is a simpler pattern and I have hopes of finishing it in plenty of time for summer!


So lovely! That’s going to be beautiful!

just got my Sylph in the mail, casting on tonight. I have some traveling to do between now and the knitting weekend so hopefully I can finish it!

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I’m casting on mine, too! One factor that may help me git r done: no sleeves!

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I know! yay! ( it is pretty dang hot in the South in June so I am glad no sleeves!)

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That sounds lovely. I am thinking of using stash: 50/50 merino/tencel, undyed, with a carry along of laceweight silk/mohair (think Kidsilk Haze-ish) for a marl-y stripe. I’ve used the merino/tencel base for a lovely floaty/drapey poncho before, so I know it’s fine on its own, and the carry-along thread shouldn’t mess up the gauge that I like.

But first: I have to swatch and see if it’s possible!

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Yes, swatching is the next step for me. I’m using the natural, undyed shade as well and I’m particularly enjoying the soft sheen it has. Yesterday I wound off half the cone so I’d have two balls to work with. I improvised with a paper towel holder to hold the cone so the thread would not just slip off vertically and possibly over twist as it went on to the ball winder. You won’t have to worry since you are using a different yarn to blend in. That should be an interesting fabric. Is the silk mohair blend undyed as well?


I have three different shades of silk/mohair. I’m not sure if the purple is too contrasty with the natural, but it wouldn’t be nearly as concentrated when it’s knit up. The blue is my favorite, but it could be very subtle when knit up. Time to swatch! Mine is definitely a heavier yarn than yours; its 4 oz/412 yards.


Is anyone having a dilemma about what size to knit? 4-8" of ease is recommended and it would be the full 8" on me in the M size which seems very large. The S size would give me only 3" which may be too snug. It seems like the pattern would be easy to adjust for an in between size or is this just not necessary and bigger would work fine. Can anyone advise? I’ve added a photo of my swatch. I got gauge post wash with the merino/tencel on #6 needles.


I’m winging it with DK, so not much advice other than do you have any boxy style sweaters that you like the fit of? Try and match that.

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I agree about matching a sweater that you like!

4-8 inches of ease is a lot of leeway. 8 is always too much on me; I’m 5’2". Are you tall or short?

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My swatch before blocking felt a little dense. When I made my poncho with this yarn base, I blocked it pretty assertively, and it is the loveliest floatiest drapiest fabric. (50/50 merino tencel fingering)

My gauge before blocking was 21 sts/inch. After blocking, with a gentle pin out, it’s 18.5 sts/inch. If I make the small, it would come out at 42 inches (rather than 39). That’s about what I want, including ease. I’m getting 30 rows/4 inches rather than 26, so I may make that shoulder height a few rows taller.

Color-wise, I like the subtlety of the blue. The purple is so contrasty that it’s really obvious when the purple is riding on the front versus the back of the stitches.

Will I like the top, overall? I don’t know, but this yarn has been waiting for a project, so why not give it a try? And really, I’m just itching for a mindless stockinette project.

Yardage-wise, I don’t have enough by the numbers, but if I got an entire poncho out of 2 skeins, I think I can get this top out of two skeins! If I’m wrong, I know where I can get a little more.


I’m 5’4" and 8" seems like alot of ease. I toyed with the idea of starting off with the M and decreasing to the S for the top section. But I’m not sure I’d like it as much with a flare. Anyway I’m thinking I’ll go with the in between size and CO 208 sts, which is right between S & M. That will be about 41 1/2". I’ve recalculated the shoulder shaping for this amt. of stitches so I won’t be thrown off when I get there. I don’t really have a boxy top to try on but if someone else weighs in here and tells me to not be afraid of 8" I’ll give it a go. I was happy with the Carbeth I made recently with alot of ease but that was also bulky yarn and very different. The blue marl in your swatch is very pretty.

Pretty! I was thinking of using something Habu for this - I like your Tsumugi silk version!

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PS: Your fabric is really pretty!

Yes, it really is light as air. For ease, I compared to a Leoni I made last year–looks fine! If you want Habu, two wonderful shops are closing and have sales: Knitterly in Petaluma, CA and Fiber Wild in Galena, IL. Sad, but at least Knitterly will remain on line.

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I’m in! Just casted on today with Lorna’s Laces Solemate in a dark blue. Will post a pic as soon as I get a few stripes in.


Cool! Will be eager to see a moody blue Shakerag!

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I hope it will work. It doesn’t have the same loft but I’m really trying to use my stash since we just had to get new AC for the house.

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I would love to see more pictures of this on someone! It’s hard to tell from the field guide picture how it hits on your model. High hip? Low? Not that I’m the same torso length, but it’s all data that helps. I notice that the directions have the same length from the underarm down for all sizes.

I’m up to 7.5 inches on the body. I love this absolute mindless stockinette in the round. I’m on the 5th stockinette double yarn stripe.

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