I have a sweater that I really like, and buttons that I really like with it, but the buttonholes stretch too much and now will not hold on to the buttons. I know - find new buttons. Let’s call that Plan B. Does anyone have advice on how to “shrink” my knitted buttonholes so I can keep the buttons?
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I’m certainly no expert, on anything!, but I would take a sewing needle & matching thread and sew them closed a bit. (You should see what I do with a dropped stitch…that’s 40 rnds down;)
I do the same!
Ha! I would love to see what that rescue operation would look like! From my experience, that stitch would be pretty tightly wedged in by the 40th round! Thank you for the reply - I’ll try it!
Thanks for the confirmation!
Yup, neadle & thread to the rescue😉!
Happy MDK anniversary Nell🎉
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