Giftalong 2017: The Reckoning

Wow am I ever in Group 1 this year. I got so much joy distributing a few knit gifts last year that this year I might have gone a wee bit overboard. First I got on a spa-sock knitting binge, which of course included writing out my own pattern. Then I decided to make my sister a set of llama & sheep themed winter wear (see pic). I’ve made a lovely cowl for a friend from stash yarn, and am now moving onwards to sewing funky yarn bags for my amazing and supportive yarn group.

How many days left until Christmas???



Ha! I am currently on my 2nd Copycat CC Beanie myself! I really do love how it turns out though… but that double brim just drags on forever at the beginning!!! :smiley:


Well. If I could stop knitting other things maybe I would make progress on my christmas list! I have one complicated hat that I have to knit, as part of our christmas “draw names and make something for one person” rules. I have it started but it involves several pieces and two layers (outer part and a lining)… so I need to get on that. I also need to make my mom a headband (still in yarn form) but that shouldn’t take too long. Oh and I have socks started for my daughter but I forgot how slow going I am with fingering weight yarn! Oy. Back to knitting…


I’m just hoping that small knitted items will actually get done in time this year. I’m almost done with boot toppers, and I’ve started a scarf but still need to make a hat and fingerless kits…and um,…something else,… I forgot. That can’t be a good sign-oh oh! (Deep breathes…)
I can’t post pics on my Instagram as the receipients follow me there. Rats! Maybe I should read more of your tips here to make a better go of this challenge?? I can’t believe it is already December! :flushed:


Gah – why did I pick a pattern with a 36 row repeat that so far I cannot memorize!?


This will require your sternest efforts. This is a time to shine. You are
going to crush this 36-row non-repeatable pattern.

Or, if it’s tiresome, maybe not! ; )


Did I mention the nupps?


That’s on my list too–I’m halfway done and looking forward to the lace border bits.


Finished a pair of mittens today.

Current status: 5 done. 5 not started. 2 in progress.

Will work on the vest until bedtime and cast on another pair of mittens after work tomorrow.


I’m sort of in a very mellow Group 1 position. Here’s what’s been happening:

  • Offered pairs of Dashing fingerless mitts to two colleagues. One was done by Thanksgiving, the other still in progress.
  • Making two cowls as holiday gifts to donate to Little Brothers, a local group that supports elders without family. One is done, other is done in next few days
  • Would really like to finish this baby blanket for my friend’s baby - he’s over 2 now, but I’m really close and could finish as a holiday present. I have one seam to finish, a million ends, and a border to crochet
  • Another colleague asked for a pair of fingerless mitts. TBD, may be by the holidays!
  • I’m doing the Jimmy Beans Wool Craftvent MKAL - just for fun!

I’m in, I’m in! (waves right hand frantically, dropping a circular needle in the process). I just cast on for the first of what I hope to be many of Ann Weaver’s Squad Mitts, using some lovely Mad Tosh Merino Light leftovers in assorted colors. They should be the perfect gift for my friends and family members living in mild-weather California, where the winters are mild enough but the houses tend to be cold and drafty. I am envisioning a bright pile from which everyone can select the combo they like best. What a neat opportunity for me to play with colors, too!


I am so in love with the sheep and llama mittens!

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So fun! I had a good time playing with the length of the wrists, too, just
sayin. I have some that are twice the pattern’s specified length. Send pix
once you get rolling!

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I’m working on getting a pattern written up for them… probably will release in January!


sequence hat is on the needles! yahoo. Dog sweater still in progress – my muse is in a cone – so I could not check fit (man if I had a nickel for every time I said that :slight_smile: ) I think it’s a bit snug for his brother…dang it. Oh - and while coming up with xmas gift ideas for me for my family - I found the year of techniques kit – only 6 left – ordered! This is why i’m hard to shop for…


Used to hope to be in group 1 but every year manage to be pulled into group 3. I cast on hat no. 4 of 6 dog walker hats (field guide no. 5 to the rescue) last night. I have a stash of previously knit cowls that may help but I need at least 2 more cowls and then there’s those crazy hand mitts from field guide one that everybody saw at the church bazaar on the Monday before Thanksgiving and now want their own pair and somehow my dearest hubbie has convinced me I should make because he thinks everybody in the world is handknit worthy. Oh and then there’s that facebook message I got from one of my favorite mom’s of children who actually like my handknits who asked if I could crank out a 17 month old’s lamb hat for the Christmas pageant by December 23… I’m not in a panic yet but I can see somebody may get a picture and a skein of yarn with a promise for post Christmas pre New Year’s knitting to finish.


I typically do not knit gifts for the holidays. This year, my mom requested a hat and I’m going to be knitting a bow tie for my brother-in-law. Mom’s hat is 1/2 done and hopefully, the tie will go quickly. My sis requested a Rikke hat for my niece but I pushed that off until January because I still need to finish my So Faded sweater so I have something to wear for Christmas Eve!


So far I have finished a quick neck warmer scarf for my work holiday lunch annual silent auction. I have a tam going for my girlfriend group secret santa person. Who know what else I will decide to knit in the next few days. I have a baby sweater I want to start and finish before xmas as the baby is due on xmas, but I will be okay if that one falls after.

I am so busy trying to finish VERONIKA that I thought posting would be time wasted-ha! I am posting in the hopes that fast knitting karma will touch me with all the vibes going on in here.

Would someone please tell me how to post photos on Instagram from a MacBook Air (laptop)? Googling the question leads to answers that say “touch [or click on] the camera icon at the bottom of the screen.” But there are no icons. Is there a way to do this, or will I have to resort to my phone?