Logalong: Inspiration for Fringe and Friends Log Cabin Knitalong

I’m using some of my Rowan KidSilk Haze collection to make a wrap. I’d been gathering it to (someday) make the Modern Quilt Wrap
I’m still drawing…


Excited to start with the Log Along. Here are (most of) my ingredients for my Rare Sheep Corral.


I just happen to have three Log Cabin Cloths kits and 2 Sommerfeld Shawl kits marinating. I think a cloth is about all I can manage today as the horde is descending shortly for our traditional New Year’s Day brunch. Tomorrow, I’ll be casting on a Sommerfeld Shawl.


Yes! That pattern has been in my queue for ahem years… the pattern page has a link to a tutorial about weaving in ends as you go…


And so it begins. A variant of Log Cabin - Courthouse Steps.
Stash mohair in gradient colors, with a loose plan.
It’s a mystery how it will all end. Maybe a wrap, maybe a cowl.
Stay tuned.


Greetings from new member.

I just ran across the KAL info today. Yay, I’m not late!

I think my first log cabin will be a hat.

Here are some scraps of bright gradient yarns I can use to start it with.



I have never seen a log cabin hat! You are breaking new ground! I can’t wait to see what you’re up to.

Happy new year.


Oh wow, Nell. This is so cool.

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I’m all in on this KAL. Planning a Moderne Log Cabin Blanket for my daughter’s newly decorated office/den. Lots of good TV viewing, Patriots football garter stitch. I’m enjoying seeing all the ideas here.


I have a Modern Quilt Wrap to finish, but I am looking for a backup project. Is the Cornerstone Blanket sufficiently log cabin-esque?


I’m doing Laura Aylor’s City Block Shawl but using the striping pattern by Terhi Mortenson. My yarns are Baah La Jolla in London Blue and Periwinkle Sheep in 10th Anniversary Edition Rhinebeck 2017.


Well, I think so! There is a fair amount of picking up stitches!

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That’s an incredible stash of KSH, Nell. Whoa.

I’ve bought the Sommerfeld shawl kit, and I’m dutifully practicing on some dishcloths, but I don’t like the way it looks when I pick up the stitches. Is there some special technique I should use? Help please!

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Let me see if I can explain the way I pick up stitches. It’s a bit weird but it’s the way that looks best to me.

If I’m picking up a stitch at the end of a garter ridge, I pick up directly in the “bump” at the edge, pull a loop of yarn through.

If I’m picking up from a bound-off edge, I pick up in the front loop of the stitch (not the whole stitch), pull a loop of yarn through.

Some people go through the whole stitch, but this makes a thicker ridge on the wrong side, and it also feels tighter to me to pull a loop of yarn through a whole bound-off stitch.

If I’m picking up in a cast-on edge, I pick up “behind” the first garter ridge, in the actual cast on. This one is the hardest to describe.

Hope this helps!


Thanks Kay, I’ll try it!

The best I might come up with is a log cabin dishcloth. (Thanks to you folks and the New York Times, I am now hooked on dishcloths instead of sponges.) Too much Birthday Knitting to do (we have four grandchildren with February birthdays) plus I want to knit more hats for me. But I think I can squeeze out a dishcloth. In fact I stayed up until nearly 1 a.m. this morning trying to make a log cabin dishcloth with only two colors. I don’t like it, so will try again. But not today. There’s an entrelac scarf that is calling my name…


Considering taking on the Derecho pattern for the Logalong.I’m a bit nervous that I might be biting off more than I can chew, but I keep imaging it knit up with the Hazel Knits Artisan sock that I have stashed from the the Squad Mitts Kit.


I have been collecting log cabin patterns since you announced your logalong. I decided on the Mitered Cross
using my stash, modifying it to allow for stash limitations. And then I gave a knitting book to my daughter for Christmas. That book, “Drop Dead Easy Knits” had a Mason-Dixon log cabin throw I hadn’t seen: Star-Eyed Julep Throw. You guessed it; I fell for the strong graphics. So now I have two projects plus the Albers cowl using some stash cotton fingering in a kind-of Mondrian-esque color blend (white, black, grey, coral and turquoise) for spring. I made a dishcloth log cabin Monday to get into the mood. How long did you say this logalong lasts??


I know! That sort of thing was my problem, too. The project I’m doing was already one I had in the works.

Looking over at Fringe Association, she said there’s no end date decided upon yet, but that it’s going to be at least 6 weeks-2 months.