The Easel Sweater—Aha!

That’s exactly what I wanted to hear. Thanks for the reassurance!

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I’ve finished my Easel ! I’ve written a blog post and have lots of notes on my Ravelry page.


I just love the pocket!! Never would have thought of the asymmetrical sleeves either. They don’t make a line across your mid section. Keep those variations coming. I love to see them.


I’m late to the Easel party but I just got the last(!) kit from the MDK shop and I’m so excited. The dark roast color is amazing in person and it reminds me of a sweater I had 20 years ago. I hope to cast on in the next few years after I finally finish my So Faded sweater and a Rikke hat.


The party never stops around here! So glad you like the dark roast–it really is delicious. Can’t wait to see what you cook up!

I’m going off road here and am going to “Easel” the Roger Cardigan (blame Kay and Ann1) I had no intention of starting until I finished a close to the end WIP/UFO. Right. Anyone who believes that - there’s this bridge I want to talk to you about building. I cast on last night. I’ll let you know how it goes.

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