Beginning the Kites Throw from Painterly

My progress as of today. I decided to use a TOTE to “contain” the THROW as I knit it. I also decided to make bobbins of yarn and store them in Ziploc sandwich size bags and lay them around the edge of the TOTE. The bags are slippery and are easily untangled. Using a 47 inch circular needle, I started with the 3 inch boarder first.
link to my ravelry project page: Ravelry: toesockpattern’s kites throw


Hi…my wool order only arrived in Canada last week due to the Covid restrictions so I am just starting the throw today. I decided I would do the border first as you did since I have never done Intarsia and your method sounded like the easier route to take… I have only done 3 rows but I find my border looks quite loose and not even like yours looks especially the first row… Can you please tell me how you cast on…instead of doing the long tail cast on I knit mine on using the first stitch…not sure what that way is called…I don’t want to knit too much more if I have to start over. I should mention I am using 4mm circular needles instead of 3.75. Any suggestions?

It sounds like you used the lace cast on, which leaves holes all along the cast on row. The long-tail or cable cast on should give you a better result.


Hi Sandy,
Thanks for getting back to me so quickly I will start over and use the long-tail cast on.

Take care,

I used the long tail cast on method.

Thanks very much I will try that out…

my progress as of march 21, 2021 :slightly_smiling_face:


That’s beautiful! Thanks for sharing. I finished all the knitting, so now I have a whole LOT of ends to weave in :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


me too. however the HOW TO section on MDK has nice tutorials on weaving in the ends with the FELTED TWEED yarn.

Beautiful…you have done a great job…I started about a month ago and haven’t even finished one full triangle…I had to pull out 6 rows because of a large hole that appeared after I pulled a loose piece of wool!!
When you mention all the ends you will have to weave in are you using the spit splicing technique or do you start a new piece of yarn after completing the first triangle shape? I am new to this whole process so want to make sure I am doing it correctly…

Thanks - I’ll take a look at the video.


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i am not planning on spit splicing. for each triangle I measure out 7 yards of yarn. I will weave the ends in as show in the HOW TO video… 5 SOLID GOLD INTARTIA TIPS 5 Solid-Gold Intarsia Tips - Modern Daily Knitting


That is very helpful knowing that it is 7 yards per triangle…thanks I will check out the video.

the length could actually be more or less than 7 yards. You will have to determine what is “YOUR” length. I knit loose. I started with 8 yards and had about 0.5-1.5 yards left after I completed my 1st row of triangles. So now I measure out 7 yards.

That’s how I did it also so no splicing was involved.


Thanks…I knit loosely as well but will add a few inches when I try it just in case.

Good to know as a few of my splicings didn’t hold so would prefer to do it this way instead…


Do you have any issues with the yarns getting hopelessly tangled? I have been using shorter lengths and doing a lot of splicing, which is slow, painstaking and not always totally successful. But I’ve done this because I found with longer yarns, it was much harder to manage the “tangle.”

Yes - they do get tangled but I persisted. Every few rows I’d pull the tangle apart and kept on knitting. It gets easier as the lengths get shorter.
