Gnome Fun Anyone?

Here I am with all of my mini yarn skeins wound and tools ready anxiously awaiting the launch of the Gnome for the Holidays workshop. This project is filled with plusses. Just winding the little skeins of yarn is a project in itself. (Counts as one project finished.) And its easy to do while watching or reading any of the great suggestions on the “knit to this” blogs. When you finish even one little gnome, you have the satisfaction of finishing another project. Yes, I think that does count. Then there are the extra free gnome patterns included with enrollment. And when you are finally finished with as many gnomes as you want to make, you are left with a handy sample of all 27 colors in this nice yarn. See the little tags in the attached pictures. I just think it’s going to be fantastic working on these tiny creatures. I’ve been struggling with a lace shawl in cashmere. This will be a welcome change. Thank you for putting it together. And God bless and thank whoever had the patience to wind and prepare all of the cute mini skeins.