Kaffe-along 2021: Here we go!

My watercolour cowl, done as a Christmas gift.


My Kites Throw after one repeat of the chart

. Really enjoying the knitting, with lots of colour for January knitting!


Beautiful :heart:

Wow- I can’t wait to see how this one turns out! What fun!

I’m so happy I used my first start as a practice:) I started again with the border first and its been quite a bit easier to move ahead. By far the best gift I received this past December. What a wonderful way to start a New Year!!! Thanks for all the videos and help MDK and fellow enthusiasts :slight_smile:


wow, beautiful back. Neat work!

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This is beautiful. Love what you’ve done with color. The kite really pops out nicely

I had difficulty deciding on colours for my Kites Throw. I really wanted to try it but I didn’t want Bright or Cool, I wanted something more like Canadian-Winter-Warm! But after I was well started I really second guessed my choice, suddenly appalled that I had had a lot of nerve to select my own colours for a Kaffe Fassett project…the man is an incredible colourist after all! But now that I see what others are doing I think his real magic may be that he inspires.


Yes, it is where the colours change. As each colour is only for one round I was wondering if there’s a way of introducing a new colour that prevents a hole.

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Love your colour choices, it’s beautiful.

:heart_eyes: gorgeous colors and work.

When you run the ends in, cross them over the hole. That will snug it up.
Also, you will want to cross them from the low edge over the high edge, which would make more sense if I had a better visual.

You may be able to see the double strand of the duplicate stitch used to weave here.

A knitter once showed me a trick of not stacking the beginning of the round in the same spot for single rows. She would slip a few stitches purlwise, join and work a round, then slip the same number of stitches purlwise back to the BOR.
Again, you would cross the ends over each other to close the hole. This would disperse the bulk of all the ends in one column.


Being a LAZY EDGER…did not want to learn todo the i-cord edge in addition to attempting intarsia.
Used German Twisted cast on and Icelandic (Norwegian) cast off…both look similar. Add 3 extra sts to each side of pattern.
Used the edge stitch instruction from a stockinette cardigan I was knitting that I really liked: (RS): Sl1 (wyib), k to 3 sts before end of row, sl1, k2
(WS) Sl1 (wyif), p to 3 sts before end of row, sl1, p2
Easy way to knit edges as you “pull from the tangle”!!
All edges look the same and narrow and finished with off.


I’m thinking about kaffeingalong, and made a little village swatch. From the roof line to the bind off,I went down a needle size.


Thank you so much, I didn’t think of weaving the ends. Shall do.

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That is GREAT way to display your beautiful work.

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the yarn on the color card is brilliant. Thanks for the hack.

Looking so good!!

I weave my ends in as I knit. Also there are blocks of colors in the next round that are diagonal from the previous. I bring that yarn along by weaving it in so it’s in the correct position for the next row of triangles. Less ends to weave and it makes the place where the 8 strands come together neater

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Thanks for this! I am going to see if I can do this from now on!