Had to really think about it, but my D List is:
Wash face (facial towelette counts, sadly) and moisturize
Evening bubble bath
Morning dry-brushing
Any amount of crafty time, however minimal
By way of contrast, the epic A List adds, among other things, working out/yoga, washing hair, 5-step skincare (not getting any younger), morning cellulite cream, more crafty time.
Brush teeth, put in contacts, clean underpants, no bra, sweatpants and favorite polar tech top. Eat whatever strikes my fancy in the fridge with diet coke to wash it down. Netflix and kitting for the day. Will get up to take the dog out around 3:30 or 4:00 pm.
My D list is pretty basic. I’ve given up contacts because I can’t be bothered. On a good day there is definitely makeup involved but not so much on a those kind of days. So, it’s get up, take medicines, brush teeth because asthma meds are likely to cause thrush and I don’t want to know what that’s like. PJ’s until I absolutely have to leave the house and always, always, always coffee. The coffee can be black, with milk, with almond milk, doesn’t matter, just must contain caffeine. Food is optional.
I gave up contacts in the poor air quality in lower Manhattan after 9/11 and never went back. For me if I’m not going to the office it is floss/brush teeth, change out of PJs in to whatever is handy, hair in a clip—if I’m going in, add a shower and work clothes to the above. I have a long drive in which to move a D to at least a C somehow.
My D list is shower (usually at the end of the day) and brush teeth (usually at the end of the day). And now walk dogs - or have them walk me - so I usually get my 10k steps in. Walking dogs means getting dressed, too.
Still giggling over the image of “chickens in night clothes”!