Daily Letter Where Are You?

Hmmmm where do I find the daily letter/note that I keep reading about? Do I log into MDK to see it, or does it come into my mailbox just like Snippets?
Its always a treat to jump into MDK!
Thanks, Barb

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Hi Barb! We send out an email each morning with a link to the day’s new post—it may be a letter from Kay or me, or it may be a post by one of our esteemed contributors. If you’d like to receive these daily New Post Notifications, just sign up here. You’ll also receive our Saturday Snippets email newsletter, which summarizes all the week’s posts, as well as special offers and new yarns. Hope this helps!

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Or you can do what I do every day.

Get out of bed
Find my glasses
Get something cold to drink
Look for the phone
Realize it’s on the night table because it’s also my alarm clock
Go back into the bedroom to find it
Trip over something
Finally settle down on the couch
Realize I left my cold morning drink in the kitchen
Go get it
Go back to the couch
Realize I forgot to turn the coffee pot on
Go turn the coffee pot on
Go back to the couch
Login onto MDK to start my day!

Hope you enjoy it as much as I do.


That is so relatable

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