Bang Out a Hadley: My Progress

About to start increasing. Currently figuring out how to elongate the torso a bit. Exciting first weekend!

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Thanks nellknits for reminding me of that trick. I finished my 1st sleeve color pattern this morning. I wish I would have remembered it before.

What a beautiful helper!

Since I took the picture Sunday PM I have finished the color pattern on sleeve 1 and increased enough that I am now knitting it on a 16 in. circular needle. The body ribbing is above the sleeve - not much to see on that yet. I donā€™t want that much decreasing around my waist either. Guess Iā€™ll read the modifications thread to see what others are doing. Iā€™m not sure I ever had an hourglass figure like the designer trying to create.


I finished one sleeve yesterday and am almost finished with the colorwork on the second sleeve.

I modified from using ribbing at the bottom. I did 4 rows of seed Stitch instead. Also a little bit of color work and added a couple of rows for length.

I didnā€™t have too much trouble with the body but now that Iā€™ve started the sleeves Iā€™m having trouble. I used a cotton yarn instead of Wool, which through my gauge off, so I decided to go up a size to make up the difference. I think at this point that probably was a mistake and it will be too big.

At any rate looking at the sleeve pattern if I start where indicated and end where indicated, then I have 10 stitches in a row of the main color. Iā€™m sure that canā€™t be right but I canā€™t figure out what I should be doing. So if I donā€™t figure it out Iā€™m going to modify again :slight_smile:. I will eliminate a stitch in a few of the five main color stitches in the sleeve pattern, so that I can do a bit of color work at the end so as not to have 10 stitches of the main color in a row.


I found that confusing, too.
You should begin the row where indicated for your size, Knit the 12 st repeat several times, then, when you have fewer than 12 st left in the row, end the row with the stitches indicated.for your row end. Row 12 could have 11 st of your main color if you are working the largest size. But the most that row one would have is 5 stitches together of your main color.

Love what you did with your hem!


Thank you for your reply. I was looking at the size 42 and no matter how I put it together I ended up with 10 stitches together of the main color. For whatever reason my brain canā€™t figure it out. So after looking at it for 24 hours I ripped it all out and Iā€™m going with the smaller size where I know that the pattern will turn out correctly.

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i am loving this sweater! iā€™ve finished the shaping for the body, and still need to get through a couple (more?) inches before i divide for sleeves. and i got so excited about this weekend, that i put the body down, and started on one of those bad boys. tonight, i got through the colorwork on after the cuff, and am almost through the sleeve increases.

having only knit a few sweaters - really only 3 - 2 baby sweaters, and one raglan top down, this feels like iā€™m upping my game big time. 100% awesome, 100 % of the time. Even in the moments when Iā€™m kinda just acting like I know what the flip Iā€™m doing.


Is anyone having dye lot issues with Shelter? My hanks are all ostensibly the same due but Iā€™m seeing quite a bit of color variation.

I started with a sleeve and switched to the second skein for the last few inches. I can see the line (which never improves with blocking).

Then using that same second skein, I started the second sleeve. It looks way different then either skein on the first sleeve.

Iā€™ll double check how it looks in daylight before deciding to rip and alternate, but thought I would check in with the group first.

Otherwise, I am loving Knitting with Shelter and the beautiful colorwork pattern!

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Iā€™m with you, I keep acting like I know what I am doing, but itā€™s a game changer for me. I am having so much fun, it is a joy to be knitting.


Better late than never! I started my Bang Out a Hadley yesterday. All yarn is BT Shelter. For the MC, I am using Meteorite because I had 5 or 6 skeins leftover from another project. The fair isle pattern will be executed in Embers, Hayloft (also leftover from previous project, yay!), Tartan, and Fossil. Right now, Iā€™m trying to motor through the ribbing. My soft deadline is Feb 28 though I am skeptical.


Oh gah meteorite. So gorgeousā€“Iā€™m craving a deep dark Hadley, so I canā€™t wait to see how this turns out.

It goes fast! Rilly!

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Got started on a sleeve todayā€¦and realized there are THREE COLORS in a single row and purls to boot! Plus, Iā€™m not 100% sure on my color combinations, but I want to see the whole colorwork section before I decide, so onward it is!


Hi there,

Here is the beginning of my sweater. I had sworn off knitting sweaters, due to the time, effort and money that was wasted when they didnā€™t fitā€¦which was most every time. The Hadley was so pretty that I just had to have it, so here we go!

I do have a few questions about the waist shaping, and other things. Maybe someone can help meā€¦I have seen several posts about this topic, but there was not enough detail to figure out how to implement.

I am knitting the 4th size (the 3rd one inside the parentheses).
I started under the BODY section, did the ribbing, and am now in the body.
The pattern seemed a little lacking in detail, as It isnā€™t clear when to start/do the decrease row. How much of the body should you knit before doing the Decrease row? Iā€™m hoping for a simple and clear way to do less shaping in the waist. I am fairly straight, and am in no way, an hourglass shape.

Measurements and I donā€™t get along, but I am great at following directions. Do you think that 5 inches is the right amount of body to knit, and then do the decrease row? Or how should I figure that out? Anyone who can help, advise, etc, is VERY APPRECIATED. Thank you!


Hmmm itā€™s a week into Feb and Iā€™ve only knitted one skein worth of yarn. I need to get my skates on!



I stuck with the written instructions for shaping and it was done by row count. But if you look under the thread of modifications, you will see that several people eliminated a lot of the waist shaping. You might find the information youā€™re searching for there. When you get to the sleeves, let me know how that turns out for you. The Fairisle pattern in that size on the sleeves is where I ran into trouble.

I am knitting size 40 3/4 - 42 3/4. I just finished shape waist where I followed the pattern as is and I do have 172 stitches on the needles. I am ready to knit the next 5 rounds. The question I have is if the stitch count is right between markers. This is what I ended up with:
Front left ro right between markers: 29-28-28. Back left to right between markers: 29-29-29. Is this right? I figure if its wrong I can fix it in the next 5 rounds. Thanks so much!

The back and front should be identical. You had 37, 36, 37 and when taking 2 away from each section 4 times have reduced to 29, 28, 29
That said, it is so close that Iā€™d be unworried and moving right along to increasing.

The pattern asks you to begin decreasing after working one round of knitting after changing to the larger needle.
My body shape is not so curvy and I knit until there were 5 inches from the cast on edge, also I reduced the decreasing by over 3 inches. Iā€™m hoping to get some shots of it on me, but work, etc is getting in the way.