MDK discussion with Peggy Orenstein and other fiber books

I just want to say how much I enjoyed this discussion. My knitting book club will be reading her book Unraveling this summer and I cannot wait–I already have the audio. As she was telling her story, it really reminded me of the current book we are reading: Fabric of Civilization by Virginia Postrel. Such a fascinating look into the history and world of fabric. With the mention of color, The Secret Lives of Color, by Kassia St. Clair is a fun exploration into colors. Each color has its own essay so it’s something you can just pick up on a whim or when a color interests you. Not only do I love books, but also these studies into very specific topics. A Perfect Red by Amy Butler Greenfield I think will be moving up my TBR as it was referenced in Fabric of Civilization and I’m more curious about the red bugs.


These books all sound fascinating! Thank you for sharing them!