So I’ve been lusting after the Knitter’s Tote, but I was wondering, for those of you who have it–how do you use it? Does it really hold a ton of stuff? I adore bags and tote bags and everything of that ilk, I’d just like a few real life reviews on it before I take the leap!
I’ve been lusting after this beautiful tote as well and am interested in the responses. It’s a big priced item but it’s definitely on my wish list.
i have had mine for a while and love it. I use it when i need to carry several things like knitting and purse. I have mainly used it because I am knitting blankets for all of my grandchildren. I can put all of the skeins of yarn in there when traveling , as well as the project, iPad, book, etc.
Oh that’s PERFECT! That’s just what I needed to know @bedwards1411. I know the dimensions are on the page but I needed “real life reviews”, as it were. Do you find that it stays on your shoulder fairly well?
I figured I couldn’t be the only one who had questions, @crystalchakra19!
It can be used on the shoulder, but I mainly carry it by the handles.
OK thanks @bedwards1411! That’s so helpful to know. I have weird tiny shoulders so bags generally don’t sit really well there anyway.
I love my knitter’s tote. I just finished a big blanket and all my yarn and the work-in-process and my notions bag all fit nicely.
Thank you for asking about the Knitter’s Tote, I will have to take another look. It sounds like it is perfect for those larger projects.
OK so my Knitter’s Tote arrived today, and folks, it’s GREAT. This is the sort of bag I love–one that will hold everything. It’s so pretty and well made and it’s already holding two projects, with a lot more room inside! I will take some photos and post later!
I love that you love it! Was holding my breath.
Ann and I have both been carrying ours for over two years now. They are our constant companions, and they don’t show their age.
Ann has taken hers as her sole weekend luggage on an airplane trip. I use mine as my purse/satchel all around New York. I recently got the Knitter’s City Bag because I do sometimes want a crossbody bag for hands-free subway riding, etc. (I never thought I’d miss riding on the subway but I sure do now), but I haven’t been able to let go of my Knitter’s Tote even to get the City Bag into rotation. But then, I’ve always had a hard time switching bags or wallets.
@Kay I am terrible at switching bags too! LOL
Yes, this is basically my perfect bag. I can already tell it’s going to be a fabulous travel bag. I LOVE IT!