Rowan original denim

I’m finishing a cardigan for DH &/instructions tell me to wash all pieces before seaming. How will this work when denim shrinks lengthwise after washing?

Anyone have experience? Thanks.

My understanding is pre-washing your pieces and the yardage to seam with helps to keep the seams smoother. @Kay will know!

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Kay has a really good post about Rowan Denim shrinkage here - :slight_smile:


If you’re knitting a pattern that’s designed for Rowan Denim, the shrinkage is factored in. This means the pieces will look too long to you before you wash them. Thanks, Jen, for linking to one of my previous posts on Rowan Denim. Once you’ve done it the first time, you kind of get it.

I do wash and dry pieces before before seaming; I find it easier to seam. But you can also do the washing and drying part after the garment is seamed. Rowan recommends that you wash and dry the sewing-up yarn and I find that to be unnecessary. I have never done it and my seams are just fine.

I’m envious that you have a new Rowan Denim sweater for the hubs! Congrats!


Thanks for the clarification, Kay. I was leaning toward washing the sewing-up yarn, but instructions didn’t specify.

This is Rowan’s Bodham cardigan that few people have knit (according to Ravelry).

Thanks, again, for the advice.

Ravelry. sharon16565



I’m so happy you posted your denim seaming experience! Since my Picket Fence will be 35 blocks, I’d have had


I’m so happy you posted your denim seaming experience! Since my Picket Fence will be 35 blocks, I’d have had to knit another big piece to do a swatch in the seaming yarn. I had thought I’d wing it and see how it’d work without pre-shrinking the seaming yarn but am pleased (and relieved) to know it’ll be fine!
