Sock odyssey heel

I’ve completed one sock, the lace toe up one, but am uncertain how to pick up the heel stitches once I turn inside out. I have the waste yarn stitches, but I don’t see clearly how to pick them up onto the needles. Also, top and bottom? Does that mean for size one I pick up 21 top ones and 21 bottom ones?

Hi Dawn, You will pick up 21 stitches along both sides of the split created by knitting with the waste yarn. I picked up from right to left, inserting a smaller-than-gauge needle through the back of the stitch as I unraveled the waste yarn. I did clip the waste yarn when it was annoyingly long.

I do hope that this was helpful!

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Thanks for your reply. i got them on the needles, and started the heel, then read there must be a missing place marker, which I’m assuming is after the first ktb at the corner……otherwise it doesn’t make sense.

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You are right, there should be a marker at the beginning of the round
AND a marker at the halfway point.
Every decrease round will reduce the count by 4 stitches.

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