Swatch & yarn quantity

Having only recently become aware of the fact that not only should I knit a swatch, I should wash and block it too. I’ve always unraveled my swatch to use the yarn for my project, obviously impossible if it’s going to be blocked. Does the yarn requirement for a pattern take a swatch into account?


I can’t speak for all pattern publishers, but MDK patterns include a 10 percent allowance of extra yarn, which permits swatching and also some amount of gauge variation among knitters.


Thank you.

Idk what others think/do, but I have unraveled and used a washed and blocked swatch before. I just give it a little spritz with water and let it dry. If it’s wool it tends to spring back and is fine to knit with;)


I always order an extra skein of yarn just to be safe for projects that require a swatch, an I don’t unravel it. I find that this is good to have for “just in case” but also darning or patching later on!
(I do not swatch everything, but I do swatch things like garments and hats. My gauge tends to be pretty spot on most of the time so I don’t do it for things like shawls and cowls.)