First ever knitting trip

Hi My twin sister and I will celebrate our 75th birthday next October 14th. I’m thinking of surprising her with our first ever knitting trip, cruise, train, canal, different country… Not England NZ or Australia (we come from these parts). She uses a walker and we both have arthritis so not too many stairs. We live in Santa Monica CA and prefer warmer weather. Both have been knitting many years. She finishes project I’m more of a process knitter.
Any suggestions are welcome and thanks in advance.


Happy almost birthday! Tagging @KnitsWithNewton as she took a cruise that she really enjoyed.


What a great idea, Pauline! I have never done a knitting trip, but I crashed a quilting retreat a few years ago and knit while my friends quilted. It was just a 3 day retreat with about 15 women at a house in the hill country in Texas, but it was so much fun to just knit, visit, and eat (we all took turns doing lunch and dinner). I know nothing about cruises or other commercial knitting get togethers. Lots of folks seem to love the ones that Arne and Carlos do. I do enjoy their podcasts. I’m sure there’s lots of options out there.

What a treasure to have a close sisterhood for 75 years! Best wishes for a fabulous birthday knitting adventure together :two_hearts:

~ Kim H.


My friend and I went on a knitting cruise with Arne & Carlos through the Scandinavian countries. Most of the time was on the cruise ship - which was handicapped accessible. There were people scooting soon wheelchairs too. There are all sorts of other knitting cruises that would likely be very accommodating

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