I’m starting this rug. To begin the steek, it says The steek is composed of 1 edge stitch, 8 steek stitches, and a second edge stitch. To set up the proper
place for new yarns to be joined, knit 5 using A. Join B and k1 B, k1 A, k1 B, k1 A, k1 A. It also says On the next and subsequent rounds, you will create a checkerboard by knitting the 8 center stitches in
the opposite of the color of the stitch below it.
But the 5 beginning stitches of A on one side of the steel mean a checkerboard is only on one side of the steek where you alternate A and B. The other side will be four stitches of alternating color rows.
Can anyone help me makes sense of this. Designers are Ann & Kay. Thanks Pat
Once you set up the color pattern you will use the opposite yarns on each following round. The steek is cut and (eventually) turned or bound and those stitches will not show.
You will LOVE it when you’re finished. I step on mine every day.
I just looked at mine, and the first round has 4 stitches in brown. Just begin the checkerboard on the first available 2-color row. It gets edged and felted, and won’t be noticed.
I remember struggling with this. I finally figured it out after seve rows, but this is what I wish I knew then. There are 10 stitches all together in the steek. The first row is A, A, A, A, A, B, A, B, A, B.
Row 2 A, A, B, A, B, A, B, A, B, B
Row 3 A, B, A, B, A, B, A, B, A, B
From there, you just keep the first and the last stiches the same color always, and the middle 8 opposite of the stitch you are knitting into. That created a checkerboard with solid color edges