Marlalong! We're knitting Field Guide No. 19: Marls

Would like to see a photo of your finished cowl….if possible. I am moving along but have quite a bit to knit. With the holidays and gifts my cowl knitting is here and there. Thanks for your reply.

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Posting progress on my swarf. I am loving my color choices. Amazed by how different the colors look by Stitch.


I’m loving your colors too, very pretty!

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I need help with the spectra sweater. I am to point o picking up stitches to bind off the shoulder seams. Do I use the size 0 needles to pick up the stitches? That sounds really small.

It is absolutely gorgeous!


I love how your swarf looks so far. Would you mind listing your colors. I’m thinking I want to make another Swarf. Thanks

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I’m very late to the party, but here’s my Marlogram. I used orchid and coho. This was so addictive! I had trouble putting it down. Already have yarn ordered for the marled scarf in the Sequences Fieldguide. Were I to make the Marlogram as a scarf again (which is very likely), I think I’d make it a little narrower so it would be longer.


The first time I saw the Swarf, I wanted it to be a sweater. I love your idea! Thanks!

I’m not there yet, and this construction is new to me. The uncertainty is uncomfortable and won’t make sense until I do it. I’ll bet you have it done now.

I did get the shoulders seamed up. I used a size 3 needle instead of a zero to pick up the stitches. I didn’t have size 0 and that just seemed too small. I used size 7 to do the bind off. It worked ok. All I have left is sewing up the sides and under arms.


I have been quietly marling away here at Chez Chaos. I decided to not only marl my yarn but to also marl my Field Guides.* Karida’s mitt’s from Field Guide 18 are really the most perfect pattern ever written. Since it’s based on measurements, the yarn, needle, and gauge don’t matter one single bit!** I’ve got two balls of Felted Tweed living on my couch right now and I love the way they’re coming out. The knitting is done on one of them and the second is well on it’s way.

*I have no idea what to call this. Multi Marling? Marls Gone Wild? MarlMarlMarl?

**I checked the recommendations for the throw to see what needle and gauge were recommended for two strands of Felted Tweed and then went down a needle size to get a smidge more density and a little less drape. These are gifts for my co-workers who are usually outside and who often get wet. They’re perfect.


I love this idea. A couple of years ago I made mitts for my dog walkers. This seems like it might be a great gift for the newer folks.


This is really the perfect first pattern for any new knitter. It is elegant in it’s simplicity, works up fast, and packs a lot of punch.


Hi all. This is my first post to The Lounge so please excuse me if I’ve done it incorrectly. I have two questions, both about marling projects in FG19. The first concerns the Marlogram Scarf. In the NOTES section, there’s a sentence that says if working two balls of the same color, one should be worked from the center and the other worked from the outside. I have two balls of the same color, but they’ve been wound in opposite directions. If I were to do what the NOTE indicates, I don’t believe there’d be any marling. Is that correct and I should work them both either from the inside or the outside? It seems so obvious, but I’d rather start off correctly!

The second question involves the Color Explosion Throw. I’ve read and reread the instructions, and checked online for errata, but nowhere can I find the number of stitches to cast on. It appears the 24 stitch repeat gives you two boxes and from the picture it looks as if a strip is four boxes wide, so does that mean I’m to cast on 48 +2 (for the slip stitch on either side) stitches? Again, seems obvious as I write it out, but I don’t want to mess up right from the get go!



Hi, I will take a crack at this, but others may feel differently–On the scarf, I think you are correct, it may get muddy in the middle at some point but it won’t marl if you are using the same colors in the same order.

On the blanket, the CO instructions are in the Strip 1 instructions, so yes, CO 50,
Good luck (and welcome to the lounge)


OMG, there the CO instructions are, clear as day. Thank you!!


My spectra sweater is done!


@decourtney I missed the CO instructions the first time too! I had to look the pattern over a few times before beginning to find it haha


Thank you! The knitting is finished and blocked, but I’m weirdly nervous about joining the pieces!

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