Refreshalong: Twining Wrap Talk

Hi Robyn,
Thanks for your suggestions…I haven’t received the Field Guide book in the mail yet so purchased the e-book but don’t have a printer and the store I usually go to get copies is closed. I think I will write out the cable instructions and do as you suggest re the f and b as I too find I am always going back and forward on the iPad which is preventing a smoother knitting experience.
I will not be one of the knitters after completing a cable block that will not have to refer to the pattern…:grin:


Hi again,
Can you please help me with row 67 of section B…I have 9 stitches before my first marker…2k,3 purl,4 knits. I am assuming I follow what I did in row 65 except now I have an extra purl so do I knit and purl as I see them and do the yo after the 3rd purl stitch or am I still confused?


This is what really confused me. What I did not understand at first is that the increase panel for Section B will be different from the increase panel for Section A because the increase panel for section A becomes the future 8 stitch section of the two twisted cables, whereas the increase panel for Section B becomes the future 16 stitch section for the diagonal cable. The stitches for Row 67 should be: Sl 1, k1, p2, yo, knit 5. Every odd-numbered (right side) row will have one knit increase. On the wrong side you will purl those knit stitches and you will purl in the back of the loop (yarn over). The new increase section will be stockinette stitch. Scroll back up to the very first photo posted by Ann1 (Leader) and you will be able to see what it is supposed to look like.

I am telling you the Row 67 stitches from memory and I may be mistaken about the number of knit stitches. What I remember is that Row 65 said to knit to 8 stitches before marker and I seem to remember that I knitted 4 stitches, placed the marker, then worked the twisted cable to marker. If I remembered this correctly then Row 67 would have an additional knit stitch. If it wasn’t 4 knit stitches on Row 65 then I’m wrong about that 5th knit stitch on Row 67. Sorry! What you should remember is that you are doing the stockinette stitch and are increasing with a yarn over on every odd-numbered row.

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Good explanation :two_hearts:

Yikes…thanks for this explanation I would not have realized that the section A Increase panel will be the twisted cable etc.

I am not sure where in the instructions it tells me to purl the knits on the wrong side. Without you explaining this I would have been really off track. I am not good at looking at the picture of the shawl and figuring out what I have done wrong…maybe with more practice I will be able to.

Do I also knit the purls on the wrong side? Once I get your answer I
will pull out what I have done and start again at row 65 and hope it starts to make sense. I felt quite good about finally figuring out the set up and then Section A but this segment has thrown me off course temporarily. Thanks for all your help!


Hi again,
I think I had been knitting for too long when I replied to your explanation…now I get exactly what you mean. When I come to a knit stitch on the wrong side I will purl it so that it makes the stockinette pattern on the good side. I thought you meant I had to purl the knits and knit the purls…sorry for the confusion!!
Thanks for your patience…

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Thanks everyone for your help with feedback. I have taken the plunge and been chugging away nearly completing the first section. It is satisfying seeing the padded cable emerge as well as the twisted ones. Now onto the next section.


Yes. My explanation was confusing. Sorry! Glad you were able to figure out what I meant!

Hi Sherry,
Your explanation was fine it was my interpretation that was the problem…you have been very helpful.

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Glad you kept at it Liz…it is challenging but rewarding as well.


Knitters - every wrong side row is the same until you get to the YO. As you are working the row look at your stitch. If what you are looking at looks like a knit stitch, knit it. If it looks like a purl stitch, purl it. The YO will be purl thru back loop if you are adding stitches for one of the wide cables. It will only change when you are adding stitches for the twisted cable section. You are knitting stockinette stitch and reverse stockinette stitch. You can do it.

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Good afternoon from Texas! This is my first knitting talk online. Thank you for this thread - it has given me the courage to begin the Twining Wrap (today!). Please keep posting pictures - they are beautiful and inspirational for me. Thanks again, slo


Hello Everyone,
I am late in joining in I did sign up May 1 but have procrastinated starting. Started my wrap 3 days ago and now onto row 65. I just want to Thank all of you that have posted It has helped me immensely how to follow the pattern. I have re read the pattern many times. I think if anyone is hesitating just start and follow the pattern and read the posts. I also have written it out for each section. Thank you once again


Carol, Ann, and Kay gave us a great Field Guide.


I am at row 65 and I am a little confused about the second marker do I knit the fist five stitches and knit to eight stitches before my original marker ?image|373x500

I think I just need a walk through on row 65

i think you are missing a few markers. Looking at your picture, if I can see correctly, you have a marker after your 4 stitch edge on the far left. Then you should have another marker 16 stitches to the right to mark your padded cable. See red line on attached photo

Now count 8 stitches to the right from this “red” marker and that is where you place a new marker(see green line) This will mark a group of 8 stitches the twisted cables.
You will now have 3 markers total. Hope this makes sense. Hang in there. Once you get past part A&B everything falls into place :blush:Janet


You have been working the LC and RC in the last part of the Increase Panel. Now just keep on doing them just as before. It’s an 8-stitch motif that continues the whole length of the wrap. So yes, work the first 5 stitches(plus the yo, don’t forget it there is one near the beginning of every RS row), then the next 8 make up the Twisted Cable. I am not far ahead of you (row 145ish) and not an experienced knitter so I am just figuring it out as I go and it’s starting to come much easier.

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Hello! I was a bit scared to start this project because I had never knit anything with cables. It took me several tries to get started and then it occurred to me that this yarn is better suited on bamboo needles. (the shiny aluminum needles were too slippery).
I love the logic of the pattern and how once you get going it makes so much sense.
Can’t wait to see everyone’s photos of their beautiful wraps.


Thank you. I thought I was missing something simple! I appreciate the help!

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