Silk- merino - how does it hold up in a sweater?

I recently finished a ziggurat sweater in manos del uruguay fino yarn, which is a mix of merino with silk, 70/30, I believe, single ply. Now I’m wondering how it will hold up to wear - probably should have thought about that before i started… does anybody have any experience with this kind of yarn? I would appreciate any input :slight_smile:

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I think it is more about the single ply than the fiber content. I have a few single ply sweaters. They definitely require more care than some others but are fine (some after a few years). Stitch pattern also will impact this. Good luck.

manos del uruguay- fino
I checked Ravelry, and it had 5 Stars (0ver 9000 article made), so with recommended care, you should be fine.

I hope this helps you,

Thanks - I might have thought of that as well, since I am also a spinner. But I do take good care of my woolens :blush:

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Thank you :slight_smile: that is one of the Ravelry features that I tend to forget about.

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I haven’t used Fino, but for soft fibers like merino, in general the more plies, the more twist, and the tighter your gauge, the more stable the fabric and the less likely it is to pill. Single ply isn’t optimal but if there is good twist and if the gauge is relatively tight, it should be fine - a show horse but not a work horse, though!

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