Turnstile Wrap Knitalong

Oh gauge swatches! Why do you torment us so? For years I did my gauge swatches incorrectly by only casting on the number of stitches I was going to count (in this case 22). In reality, we should be casting on more than that to account for the pattern stitch county and the wonkiness that can happen on the edges. Ditto for the number of rows – work more!

So try casting on 33 stitches (it’s a three stitch repeat so that will give you the correct stitch count for the pattern to work) and then work 40 rows (five x the eight row repeat). It should make much more sense and be a breeze. Then measure the rows and stitches in the middle four inches of your swatch.

As to the crochet cast on, I happen to love it. It’s really easy. https://www.moderndailyknitting.com/community/the-crochet-cast-on/ This will take you to Kate Atherley’s instructions. I can’t answer the question if it is absolutely necessary but it does make a really nice edge.


OHHHHH, THANK YOU SO MUCH! I really appreciate it, frankie


I cast on today to do the gauge swatch. I’m using Studio DK in the Washington Circle colorway. It’s a beautiful shade of blue!


2 repeats done. Only 18 more to go!


I could use some advice as I reach the end of my first ball of yarn. I plan to only alternate skeins for a few rows, as Olga suggested would be fine. Should I change the yarn at the edge or in the body of the wrap? I’m tending to do it in the body so as not to mess up the line of stitches on the edge, and with this dense fabric, I don’t worry so much about the tails showing through. I don’t have much experience with making shawls and wraps, so I am hoping for help.

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I had never thought of doing it that way, so will be interested in hearing what others say. My similar concern for the edge had me considering just not doing any alternating at all, but my NFC is a speckled one (Ernest Shaw, was in my stash already) so I don’t know whether that makes doing so more or less necessary…

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Even if I weren’t going to alternate skeins (I’m sorry, it was a useless detail), I still need to know if changing the yarn in the body of the wrap is a good plan.

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Where to alternate skeins, and the joining of a new ball is a really good question.
Alternating is going to leave a ladder, either at the edge or on the wrong side, a few stitches in from the edge.
I like keeping the integrity of the edge since this is finished fabric, so would lean toward alternating a few stitches in from an edge.


Thanks so much! That is just what I’ll do.


I started right in. I’m going to measure my gauge before I knit anymore on it to make sure I got it right.

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I am so excited to join in! This pattern really spoke to me!


So, the 33 stitches gauge swatch and 40 rows is 6 inches wide and 4 inches high…I’m thinking this is okay, but not sure…Do you have any advice? Thanks!

Oh, I cast this on the other day in Malabrigo Rios in English Rose. I have never participated in a KAL before. I’m on my 32nd row. Am I supposed to be waiting?


Oh dear, never mind…I should have read the WHOLE pattern…haha…next page tells me… OYE


You are doing just fine. Take a deep breath. My battery is about to die but I’ll be home in an hour or so and will happily help you.

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You’re great, wherever you are in the project.

So your gauge is a little bit off from what the pattern calls for. You’re getting 10 rows to the inch instead of 9 and you’ve got the correct number (5.5 to the inch) for the stitch count. I would normally say “go for it” but in this case, Olga mentions the importance of row gauge so I might consider going up one needle size to get the correct row gauge.

But that’s just me. I’m also on the taller side of the height spectrum and you’re certainly close enough for horseshoes so do whatever feels right to you.

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I’m agreeing with @kjt1211 and suggest that you may also need more yarn. As the garment is one size, this may be fine if you are small to average in height, otherwise, you may wish to follow the schematic for all lengths, adding rows in multiples of 8.

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Hi Ann, I am knew to the Lounge. I cannot find how to create a new post, only see option to reply to others. I have a question about my YO holes seeming too large. This is my first lace attempt. Are there any tips or tricks for cleaner YO’s? Thanks so much for any wisdom!

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YAY! I’m doing it…. Love it!