What I'm Making

My #shakeragskirt is not exactly finished, but good to go until I get elastic!


Unfortunately I had to ripped it (for the second time); it was to enormous. Stretch the yarn again and cast on for the third and hopefully the last time. Now I have combined 2 patterns of ƅsa Tricosa: a [Black Basalt] and a [Ananaranja] with the help of a friend. The blue one is a Aranaranja and the peat the Black Basalt.

Cross my fingersā€¦


I am working on two sweaters. One is a bottom up Lopeysa. I have run out of one of the yoke colors and waiting on another skein from which I will use possibly 3 yards. I am making the Alpenglow sweater on size 2 and 4 needles using Rowan Tweed. Itā€™s lovely, and is providing many hours of interesting knitting.


These are both so lovely! I love the colors youā€™re using!


The Rowan felted tweed is such a rich color. I love everything about this yarn!


Iā€™m making the Belinda Wrap and it is a gossamer wonder. Iā€™ve never worked with kidsilk haze, or really any lace weight yarn in knitting. When I saw the Belinda Wrap and read Annā€™s comments I couldnā€™t wait to try it. I chose Pearl and Blackcurrant. Itā€™s definitely a labor of love. Mary Sue Taylorā€™s Tug Tip helped a lot - Iā€™ve even been giving the tug on the first SSK stitch after the needle tip is inserted. At first those rows took me forever, with plenty of angst and worry about dropping a stitch, and theyā€™re a little tight, but Iā€™m not going back! Itā€™s still pretty slow going on those rows, but definitely easier as I focus on keeping it loose! Luckily Iā€™m also working on a long Sophie Scarf I can turn to when I need to totally relax :blush:


Thatā€™s going to be a beautiful combination of colors! Itā€™s so true that this Belinda wrap is a labor of loveā€”all I can say is that it will be a thing to love for many, many years.


Thanks! I love the bright color combination on the pattern picture and some of the projects Iā€™ve seen posted, but I tend to gravitate to warmer, muted tones and knew Iā€™d wear it a lot more if I stuck with them.

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Congratulations from the Netherlands

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Iā€™m off to search those! Lovely.


Iā€™m almost finished. Waved in all the loose ends and give it a good soak. Looking for buttons is the last hurdle. Ripped 2 times, but it was definitely worthwhile.


So lovely! Youā€™re gonna wear the heck out of that!


Not sure where else to post this question, so Iā€™ll post here and hope that someone will be able to answer. Iā€™m making the Penrose Tote from FG 24 using Rowan Creative Linen. I am at the point of separating for the handles, and Iā€™m having a hard time because the handle is 23 stitches and the pattern is in multiples of 14. Do I just start at the beginning of the pattern of each row? Or in the middle of the pattern row? Hereā€™s where I am:

Thanks much!

Hmmm interesting question. I am not that far in the pattern so no idea. It would be nice to have some input from someone who is. Even. Enter to have a conversation just for questions about the bag patterns.

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The handles are 1 1/2 pattern repeats across:
1 selvage stitch, 7 pattern stitches, 7 pattern stitches, 7 pattern stitches, and 1 selvage stitch. As you bind off, place markers for the RS pattern repeat:
Knit 1, pm, knit 7, purl 7, pm, knit 7, purl 1, then (1 on the needle) purl 7, pm, knit 7, purl 7, pm, purl 1.
Also, place a removable maker in the fabric at the beginning of the RS row.
(I found this especially helpful!)
Whatā€™s within the markers follows the written and charted pattern repeat, and the other 7 stitches are half of the pattern.
I do hope that this is helpful to you and to anyone else.

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Thank you so much Nell! This is super helpful!!!

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Hi again: Iā€™m still struggling with this. The pattern does not look right. After binding off the 40 stitches in the middle, I started with row 2 of the pattern, and that first row looks fine, but as I continue, the pattern does not line up because of the fact that there are not enough stitches to complete the pattern. I know you said that you do the pattern 1 1/2 times, but it looks really wonky. Hereā€™s a photo of what itā€™s looking like. What am I doing wrong? Thank you!!!


I think you are missing your selvage stitches. You should be on the first row of the pattern so it should be

K1, K7, P7, K7, K1

The bold face ones are the selvage stitches. Technically, the last selvage stitch is a purl on the chart but itā€™s on the whole chart (this one ends with half a chart) so I would just go with a knit to keep it tidy.

Then just continue following the pattern. Selvage stitch, 14 stitch repeat, first 7 sts of the 14 stitch repeat, selvage stitch.

Hope this helps.

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Thank you! Iā€™ll give it another try. I have been including the selvage stitches, but it seems that after that 2nd row of the pattern, it gets wonky. Iā€™ll continue on to see if I can make it work. Thanks!

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