Bang Out a Kiki Mariko

I thought I understood until I saw this chart. How can the edge stitch be away from the cut? Doesn’t the cut create two edges?


I did the same thing! But I knew it was just for practice to see if my hands can manage big needles. I’m so used to starting at the bottom right of a chart, that must be why.

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Will the tightness of my stitches make a huge difference when I felt? I did just start so they may get tighter (mine seem to some times). Should I just start over and try and make them tighter? Obviously my first time felting! Thanks!

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Thank you! I think the first 5 stitches being brown threw me off, still don’t get that, but I can follow a chart, so again Thank you!!

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@Corey posted about knitting hers inside out, which puts the floats on the outside of the circle thus creating a looser tension.


I am so bummed that I missed the Zoom call yesterday. Was it recorded? Any way I can watch it? WE are doing a remodel and sometimes my timing is just off . . .
I realize I have done multiple things different from the pattern directions but think it will all work out in the wash. I now understand the steek bit a bit better and will try it out when I start the second set of the charts. I think duplicate stitch solves a few booboos here and there.

P.S. Also a bit envious of all the snow y’all are enjoying.


yes that’s me too on starting at bottom right - i completely blew by the Chart I and Chart II notation! :wink: I think it will work out OK though!

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Looks really beautiful!!

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Oh – one more thing – I tried to print out the chart for the steek and accidentally printed out the whole conversation – so save yourself some ink if you want to get the chart. (I go to the school of hard knocks).



I got mine started last night but didn’t get far. You are all inspiring me to get going. It’s a snow day here in the Hudson Valley so plenty of time to knit.

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Nellknits is doubling worsted for some of her colors, so yes!


Hi, I’m Tracy and am picking up my Kiki mariko rug after years of being bagged up in the closet. I started with the original pattern, so I’m going to stick with it. But I think I’ve learned a few things since I started this so long ago, and hopefully it will be easier now. I’ve enjoyed reading all the posts and seeing your projects, thank you all for sharing.
I’m using some stash and some sheep’s pride ( or is it lamb’s pride?!). My daughter attended a yarn dyeing workshop in Peru and brought back gobs of yarn that I am trying to use. I know there are plenty of mistakes but I am happy with it so far.


Now I can wrap my mind around it!
Still trying to decide which yarn should be in my dominant hand.


Gosh that’s wonderful! I don’t see a stitch out of place! : )


This is just a view of the steek section where you would cut straight through the middle. The edges on this diagram do not represent the edge stitches of you knitting since it’s a tube at this point.

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It was recorded! I will post a link as soon as it’s live :slight_smile: Looking fabulous!


Thank you. So fun seeing everyones progress and color combinations. Just getting the hang of being in The Lounge.

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I’m reading all the discussion about the steek. Appears that the chart and the written pattern are different. The chart shows solid lines of color on the edges, the pattern indicates that we match the first and last stitch of the steek panel with the adjoining color from the pattern.
Should we assume that the pattern was modified when it was updated and the system old steek panel is no longer accurate?
Sorry, really confused on this.


I started mine last night! I am using up worsted weight wool from a Maine sheep farm that has been languishing in a cedar chest for more than three decades!