Thanks for this, Allison!!
After going about halfway through Chart I, I put my rug aside (thinking I’d pick up one of my other WIPs this morning) and went to bed. Lying in bed, awake or not, seems to be one of the places I work out my problems. This morning, after maybe 5 rows on a sweater, I got antsy to get back to my rug. I decided I needed to frog it and start anew with a few changes. I am happier on metal needles I forgot I had. I cast on 118 as in the book, for a wider rug… My 2-handed knitting is now smooth and even. My tension eased up to something more comfortable. And with all the steek chatter, I made a decision about how I want to do mine.
We’ve chatted about it over the last few days and what I’ve surmised is that for the original samples they made a few years back, they did the lines of solid color. When updating the pattern, they switched it to matching the colors before/after. To answer your question: if you are working from the updated pattern, it calls for matching the first and last stitches. But ultimately, I think it just comes down to personal preference because it shouldn’t hugely affect the finished rug.
I meant to post an updated steek chart based on the most current edition of the pattern today but time got away from me so that will be up tomorrow. On mine, I am working from the most recent pattern that has me alternating colors.
Thanks Allison for the Zoom replay.
I’m going to wait until I’ve done a full sequence of all the colors before I post a picture. I’m going out on a limb with these colors and I hope they look good! I’m calling this colorway “Silver Strand at Sunset.”
Sorry if this is somewhere in the thread, but I don’t see it. What is the finished size of this rug, roughly? It seems it’s going to be fairly petite.
Also, it is SO MUCH FUN seeing all the different colors everyone is doing.
I dropped down to “fix” stitches 2-5 in my steek in an attempt to make it checkerboard. It’s a bit wonky but I’m thinking it shouldn’t really matter because the steek gets cut off in the finished felted rug, correct? I’m really not a frogger…
I’m also working with two handed tension - usually a continental knitter. Tried holding both in left hand but that didn’t work well for me. Tension not perfectly even for the first 10 rows, but again since this is felted I’m don’t think it will matter. Plus no one will see it but me because it’s going by my side of the bed.
Thoughts on the above?
Which pattern are you working from? The one in the book or the more recent one that is online/came with the kits? The “Blues” chart from the most recent pattern is 7 colors, if that helps!
Continuing the discussion from Bang Out a Kiki Mariko:
Ready, Fire, Aim…that’s generally how I attack a project. And this was no exception. I glanced thru the instructions, cast on and started banging it out, all the while thinking something wasn’t quite right with the steek. So, after reading your comments, rereading the pattern, ripping out to the cast on, I’m back to where I started from.
I think that this is a great practice for 2 handed knitting- as the fabric will be felted, and I agree that the steek stitches are not that important. I have a funky spot in mine…
According to the updated pattern, approximately 30"x 60" (76 x 152.5 cm) before felting; 26"x 40" (66 x 101.5 cm) after felting
or the original in the book, the dimensions are approximately 34"x 60" (86 x 152.5 cm) before felting; 30"x 40" (76 x 101.5 cm) after felting
Updated Steek Chart to reflect current pattern. It’s in black and white so it doesn’t matter how many colors or what color combinations you’re knitting with.
Thank you. And I finally figured out that we can bookmark a post!!!
Thanks so much for posting the steek chart. A visual like this really helps me.
I didn’t have large enough stitch markers, either - I tied some loops of scrap yarn that was arms length from me at the time!
I’m relieved to see most of the progress pictures have the ‘stockinette curl’ like mine does! I know that’s a normal thing and all, but had plenty of time while knitting to be concerned about how that behaves while it’s felting? I know hundreds of folks have knitted these, so I’m probably overthinking. (Not the first time)
I’m already on size 15 needles, but I may start over and cast on a little looser (and with the right color which I like better for the Heather color combo instead of brown) and knit inside out for peace of mind on the stranded tension!
My partner 3D printed some large stitch markers for me. Let me know if you want some and I’ll drop them in the mail!