Bang Out a Sweater 2024: Crowberry Sweater

Whew! Almost done with my vest, just pick the sleeves, wash block and weave in ends ! I used clover as the main color, held double with an unknown color of kid silk haze. I used Marsh and white Plotulopi with Love Story and double clover for bobbling . I can’t believe how quickly this went!! Thanks to MDK for facilitating this project, Lorelei’s awesome help and of course, Helene for the magnificent pattern and yarns!


Happy Spring, everyone!

My finished Crowberry…

Yarns: Istex Plötlopi unspun Icelandic wool, Love Story’s Icelandic lambswool
MC: Winter Blue Heather + Hot Spring Blue
CC Yoke: Faded Denim Heather + Natural White
CC Branches: Light Forest Heather + Westfjord Green
Bobbles: Estonian Kauni Sadama 5, Berry


I have been banging this drum slowly! I started out strong on March 1st but it has been downhill ever since. First I was thwarted by a bunch of family things that involved long drives every weekend. As a passenger, that’s awesome. But I’m the driver so not so much. Then I had a random extra stitch that I totally over thought and lost a whole evening of knitting over. The next day I was fine until about 11:30 am and then suddenly had an eye full of blood. Which was horrifying. Turns out that my trips this month which put me in both hay country and a coal mining town really irritated my eyes and the Lettlopi halo pushed my already sensitive eyes over the edge. It’s all fine and I’ve accepted the fact that I will look like Dennis Hopper’s love interest in a 1980’s David Lynch movie for the next few weeks. But I have had to limit my daily Lettlopi (which I love) so I’m just starting my bobbles (which I also love) and I’m knitting other things with very smooth yarn.

I’m pleased as punch with my colors and I think the fit will be nice so I’m just going to keep banging this drum slowly (and may also play the fife lowly in the spirit of Willie McBride.)

And I also might run out of yarn. IT’S FINE!


Finished just in time! I love how this sweater worked up but I definitely had some problems with the 3 color rows. Managing 6 strands of very sticky yarn at the same time was challenging. I’m so proud of the end results!

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finished just in time - i used the colorway for the vest and made the sweater - when i got done i wasn’t thrilled with the high low bottom so i cut that off and knitted down without that - i think it’s because i made it longer - i am thrilled with this - of course i have a lot of yarn left


Finished, but just noticed that the yoke has only two rows of leaves instead of three. I wonder how I made that mistake?!?
I added length to my sweater. Of course not in pre-planning, but after frogging the cast on and turning a bottom up sweater into a top down sweater.


It’s really pretty!

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It’s still March! Just steamed my crowberry vest that I didn’t start until almost a week after the first class since my yarn didn’t arrive… It was snowing and the postman decided he didn’t have to deliver on Friday or Saturday. First time I’ve banged out of sweater with a group and I’m so pleased with the results! Used lettlopi because I was too late for all of the colors I would have wanted with plutolopi, ran it with stash mohair, and the marl effect and haze is really lovely. So much March madness fun!


Did it! Finished 3 hours before midnight!
I like my sleeve cuffs…I adapted the16 stitch repeat from the yoke…just wanted more crowberries!
I so love this sweater, thank you Helene for the Icelandic nature inspiration :heart:.


Loved making this vest. Great pattern. I lengthened mine a couple of inches. Debated on sleeves because I was intrigued by the short rows for the elbows and I was pretty sure I had enough of the pink. However, prudence and several days of sunshine won out. Very pleased with my new vest!

This was so much fun, I’m planning a Daytripper Cardi for April. Will cast on tomorrow if I can ever make up my mind on the order of the colors I’m using in the yoke.


Finished vest and love it.

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So glad to hear I may gain a little length–mine feels a little short for me at this stage. I love your bobbles! (Now there’s a knitting sentence for you…)


So good! Your yoke looks so cool. I’m jonesing for another sweater too . . . can’t stop won’t stop. ; )


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“Finished” on March 31 - just have to sew in the ends.

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Oh Jan, it’s lovely. And how funny to have two rounds of leaves! I’ve done that.

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I love the two color look. I’ll definitely have to try this.


Can someone help me, I’m on the yoke line 29, there is a white space in lines 29, 30, and 31, what do I do for these ?

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I never found out why a 2nd needle either ! Banged it out without a problem anyway.

I am so pleased with my Crowberry I wore it over or under every outfit last week. I wanted a murky contrast yoke and definitely achieved it!
Lettlopi colors are the best.


Hi Joan. The blank box means there is no stitch there. The two decreases you did on row 28 brought the stitch count on each repeat down to six.

So just pretend those blank boxes aren’t there.