Bang Out a Sweater 2024: Crowberry Sweater

I love, love, love my sweater. Finished it last week and missed the last class but will listen this week. I made mine a little longer, but think I may try it again in the shorter version too - and some brighter colors - I love seeing all the wonderful color combos everyone has done.


Thanks so much!

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I love it Gale, it looks great on you!

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Thank you’! This is the Pete t time of year to have a new sweater vest like this,the chilly weather is really grinding .

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I really like your colors and also the way they seem to match your glasses frames!

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That’s just wear a stitch was but isn’t any more because you’ve needed two together on the row prior. Just keep going you’re almost there!


Very helpful. Thank you.

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Finished my test knit. Starting my Crowberry Vest. Going to see if I can bang out a sweater in April instead!

Using the Plotulopi with Malabrigo Silkpaca that I had in stash, so almost a stashbusting project.!


Joining very late to the party! I’ve cast on in the last couple of days, using Lettlopi which is stocked in our local craft / yarn shop. I’ve enjoyed reading through the posts here and Lorilee’s tuition is really useful too.
Already have a gauge / sizing issue so have ripped back and started again. My gauge was one stitch too many on a 6.5mm needle. Don’t want to go up to 8mm. I cast on a size 4 but it was coming up too snug so I’ve changed to size 5. Also modified the hem section to a split hem using garter rib so it lies flat. I’ve made the back 10 rows longer and not done short rows on this attempt. I like short rows but the split hem gives me more control.


I love how yours turned out! Really beautiful! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Gale, your murky yoke is a mossy lava field. Just love the whole thing, gosh.


More crowberries! Way to bobble–your finished sweater is glorious.


Finished! Loved the class, yarn and sweater! Blocking was magic.


Finished! I started 2nd week of March. This was fun. I enjoyed the class very much and it made my first bottom up sweater a good experience. I used Léttlopi and think hindsight that I could have used a smaller size needlebut the size of the sweater is good. I prefer a loose fit.


I’m working with Lettlopi yarn. I got my bobbles figured out! Kfbf just wasn’t covering the stitch well enough. But, kfbfb is perfect. I pull each stitch up a touch so it’s not overly tight. But I think a mistake turned out to be a benefit too. After the bobble, I leave that yarn yo the front while I knit the next stitch. Then move that stitch back to left needle, move that yarn to the back, move stitch back to the right. Now the next stitch pulls the bobble forward nicely. Ta dah!


I am new to stranded knitting and there’s a big learning curve involved! So I’m thinking of only using two colors in the yoke. I was wondering if anyone has done that and would appreciate showing your sweater if you can.

Also, can someone tell me where you see the post number? Thanks


Found it! Post 367, and it is GORGEOUS!!!

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I am on the second sleeve. I wanted to take a moment and thank you all for Lorilee. She is a wonderful teacher. I agree with Ann, my bobbles needed to be better.


You’re right… so, apparently it’s doable! Thank you

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All thanks really go to @kjt1211 who pointed this one out to me this weekend!

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