Cityscape scarf question

Just starting the Cityscape scarf and finding the instructions confusing for the edge.

RS: K1 (edge st; keep in st st) work chart to last st, K1 (edge st; keep in st st).

The cityscape instructions are in parentheses. Doesn’t this just mean stockinette all the way? The special notes state to work the first and last in stockinette. Since the whole scarf is stockinette, I’m not sure why this is stated?

What am I missing? Thanks!

just a guess, but maybe it’s to differentiate the edge stitches from the color pattern?

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I thought those directions odd as well. I just do stockingette all the way. Just remember you have an extra such on edges- where the other blocks are all 10 or 20 wide, the edges are 11 or 21.


I am trying the i-cushion and it has similar instructions. However on page 16 of Painterly there is a paragraph called Stitch Pattern and it instructs the knitter to use 2x2 ribbing in between the stockinette edge stitches. So maybe under the scarf instructions it is just to clarify. I am trying intarsia for the first time and trying to do ribbing and color changes at the same time is difficult. And I can’t figure out where to keep my old yarn after I’ve changed to the new yarn. On the wrong side at all times? Feels weird because there are color changes amongst knits and purls, and knitting and purling on both sides. Hope this helps you. But maybe someone can address ribbing in intarsia?
Thank you

The Watercolor Cowl has a similar instruction and I was puzzled, too. I’m wondering if the edge stitches are always knit, even on the ws which will be done in purl for all other stitches in st st?

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So garter stitch for the edge and stockinette for the interior?
Under Notes, it says work first and last stitch of each row in stockinette. Doesn’t look like ribbing in the middle on the pictures, looks more like stockinette.
I started over using just stockinette and I’ll see how that works but any other comments welcome!

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I see what you are saying. It seems weird to emphasize edge stitch is st st when the entire piece is in st st. I’ll follow what’s on the printed page and do st st.

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I think it’s because usually when we are working something in stocking stitch, we are used to having the edge stitch in garter. In this case, keep it in stocking stitch. Knit on the knit side and purl on the purl side. And yes, it will curl. But later on, you’re going to pick up stitches and add an edging that will flatten out the curl.

So since you’re doing Cityscape, you’ll cast on 52 stitches in Ultramarine. The repeat is 50 stitches so you have one extra stitch at each end of the row. Knit the first stitch in Ultramarine (for the edge) and then knit 10 stitches from the chart. Change to Aster and knit 20 stitches from the chart. Change to Ciel and knit 20 stitches from the chart. Then knit the last stitch in Ciel. Turn it over, purl the edge stitch in Ciel then purl the rest of the chart until you come to the edge stitch. You’ll be using Ultramarine. Just purl that in Ultramarine.

It does seem a little weird for it stay stocking stitch since it’s only one stitch but really it’s just knit one side, purl the other side no matter how many stitches you have.

Hope this helps.


I’m not sure that the edge stitch is done in Ultramarine after the first row. If you look at pics of the scarf, it does not appear to have that color at the edge, unless it becomes hidden by the border. Anyone else known?

It’s hidden by the border. Just use whatever color you’re already using when you get to the edge stitch. Your going to pick up into that edge stitch when you do the edging so you’ll see it on the back but not on the front. And because of the nature of stocking stitch, it will blend right in with the pattern. Whatever color you’re using when you get to the edge is the color you do the edge stitch in.

I always thought that Kaffe Fasset was soooooo complicated but it turns out, he plays things pretty fast and loose. Which just makes me love him even more.

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The selvedges, or edge stitches, are knit with the color of the charted motif next to it, (one stitch), at both ends of the row. As you change colors of the motif, so do you change the color of the edge.
They will be enclosed by the applied i-cord.
I hope that this helps.


Kay emailed me when I first posted this. Yes - it’s stockinette. It was written the way it was because the first and last sections are a stitch wider.
I’ve finished my first repeat. Switched up the colors a bit.

I’ll try to figure out how to post a pic :slight_smile:

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This is stunning!

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Wow! I post to social media for MDK, may I share this picture in an Instagram story?

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Sure! I did post it on IG and tagged the Kaffe KAL.

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I was wondering about knitting a 3 stitch I cord at beginning and end of rows rather than after the item is finished? Any insights

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That could really work, I wish I had time to swatch to confirm…
Let us know if you do it!

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Then I probably posted it! Thanks!

Finally finished the knitting and end weaving… Question of course: instructions say to block then do the knitted edge. It sounds like some people are doing an I-cord edge. Thoughts on one versus the other?