It's Léttlopi KAL 2023!

I made a hat using the basic instructions from the FG and a Norwegian chart. The finished hat is huge, it goes to my chin. I’m going to try throwing it in the wash to see if that helps. It can’t fit any worse, at least… The knitting itself looks good, except for being loose. Next time I’ll go down at least 2 needle sizes.


Beautiful! Thanks for sharing.

When my Daytripper Cardigan took a trip (unintended, but pun intended) into the wash, I found out (second hand from the family member who washed and dried it who shall not be named) that most of the shrinkage took place in the dryer. If that’s true, you might want to just wet it out, squeeze it, then throw it in the dryer and check on it every few minutes until it fits to better control the process. Good luck!

Thanks, I’ll try it!

Christina it’s beautiful!

Thanks, Karen! And it’s cozy and ready just in time to wear for the tail end of winter and early spring.

That looks gorgeous!

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Here is my finished but unblocked Daytripper Cardigan. I was afraid that I wouldn’t have enough of the main colorwork green for both button bands, so worked 1/2 of each band in two different greens. The first half is in the medium green I used in the colorwork on the sleeves and bottom of the sweater while the second half is in the darker green that I used for the ‘dots’ in the yoke.

All that’s left now is to manage the ends and to block it. I’m going to try my hand at steam blocking ala Arne and Carlos and am thinking about needle felting the ends instead of weaving them in, but I haven’t completely decided on that. How - and when - would you secure the ends? Before or after blocking? Using what method?


I’ve been trying to watch all of the Oscar nominated movies that I can before the awards so I should have expected a plot twist in real life.

Our heroine (that’s me) having completed the stockinette on the body of her Felix and ready to do the ribbing enters a darkened room. She slowly approaches an ancient box, passed down to her by generations of crafty women who came before her. (Solemn music plays softly.) As she opens the lid, the box folds open like an accordion, exposing it’s magical contents. (Music builds.) She reaches into the box, reaching for a 32" US 9 circular needle. Panic begins to show in her eyes! (Music changes to a minor key!) She digs, she looks, she grabs a needle gauge and a light shines through the window at the moment she realizes she is doomed!!! (Music crescendos!)

And, scene.

I have no idea how this happened. I have a gazillion needles. Turns out I don’t have a 16" 10.5 either to do the sleeves. Going to check on my size 9 double points for the cuffs before I place an order. And it’s not like I don’t have anything else to knit around here.

P.S. I’m already three movies in and I already have very strong feelings about Best Picture. Seven more to go so it could change any time!


This was wonderful storytelling! Thank you!

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I never tried needle felting ends, I’d probably poke myself. :joy: I usually try to weave them in as I go.

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You probably wouldn’t poke yourself, but I guess anything is possible. :slight_smile: Since I didn’t weave in my ends as I went, I need to deal with them now. Knowing me, I’ll get tired of needle felting pretty quickly so will just weave them in the way I normally do.

Thanks for your input!


If you’re using Lopi, you can also splice the ends together! It works like a charm.

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I’m sure I could find a way to poke myself, lol. True story: one day at work, I went to wash my hands, and somehow I came out with a splinter in my palm. :hushed: Thankfully it was big enough to remove easily. The only thing I can figure is the splinter must have been caught in my sweater and somehow got into my hand. I showed my store manager and he just shook his head and laughed at me. All my coworkers know I’m very accident prone. :joy::rofl:

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I’ve done some pretty amazingly stupid things too, so don’t sell yourself short.



I expect most or all of us have. Honestly I thought it was hilarious.


We all need to laugh at ourselves once in a while! :blush:



I am using up odds and ends. I have a child that does not like to wear matching things, so we brainstormed and came up with the idea of sun and moon mittens. They are done, and will be happily worn in all the cold weather we’ve been having!


I love this, what happiness!


Thank you, Nell! You are honestly a wonderful and giving cheerleader for all our knitting adventures, and I appreciate you!