What I'm Making

Wowza! It is beautiful! I’ve still never done a carbeth, but you may have inspired me!!!

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Hi, and first, thank you! The yarn is from Skein Yarn in Australia. From the “Colour Collection Club” in 2022 called Juniper. i don’t know if it is in the normal rotation now but it is both a beautiful color way and a joy to knit.

This is my first Tin Can Knits pattern but they seem to be sized from infant to XL adult.

I can definitely imagine making one of these for myself and my husband one day (maybe less of the “light” for him).

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Thank you! It was a fun knit.


I hope to go there someday. For now I’m what is known as a “Remote Goat” :joy:.


Wow - I REALLY don’t need to buy any more yarn for a while (probably ever if I’m honest), but Skein Yarn is a gorgeous site to browse!

Look forward to seeing the finished sweater for the lucky little one :heart:


Kathy, this is fabulous! Everything is right about it: the fit, color, design and, of course, the wearer! I love it and can’t wait to see it in person.


Thank you, Linda!

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I was inspired by the recent article on MDK, “A Moment of Kindness”. I’ve already been making tiny hearts for a couple years, to give my coworkers to put on their name badges, and everyone loves having them. Now I’m adding tags as Suzan did and I gave one to our waitress when we went out to eat today. She was so happy. :blush: They only take a couple yards of yarn and about 3 minutes each to make. Here are a few of mine, finished and tagged.


Beautiful sweater! I made a Ramona last year in their KAL. Cashmere Goat is my local yarn shop! Heavenly Yarn in nearby Belfast is a wonderful store, as well. I have no lack of yarny temptations!


I am posting an update. I ripped out the one section and redid it, but now I realized I should have kept knitting section B before I started C. The joys of being a newbie! I will probably make another one now that I kind of know what I am doing.


But seriously, thank you MDK for inspiring me to finally learn how to knit- and for teaching me!!


Oh wow this is the best news ever! You have so much fun ahead.


I am making the Love Story Shawl from Field Guide 26. I’m slowly making progress.


Hello :wave: I’m knitting a November Oak II sweater by Jennifer Brou. I need to, ‘bang this sweater out,’ in this month of March :blush:
Yarn is Kokon and is fabulous to work woth


That yellow is so good! Curious to try Kokon, keep seeing people talking about it.


Hi folks, I’m working on the Love Story shawl and all is going well but I have a question about the instructions.
Specifically, could someone please look at the pattern instructions for Row 3; it ends with “knit to last 4 sts, k2tog, yo.” What about the last 2 sts?
Row 23 ends the same way, with no further instructions. I’ve just knitted the last 2 sts.
Should this be corrected in the Corrections listings ?

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I have since made probably about 50 of these hearts. I had about 30 with me when I went to the hospital for my endoscopy this week and I gave away all but 4, mostly to staff. Everyone was so happy with them. I would love to see these kindness hearts become a viral project.


I think you are correct. If you look at the chart, all the rows end with k2. Looks like those two stitches were left off the instructions on those rows.

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Thanks for taking a look and confirming that Jane. I assume that just knitting the last 2 stitches is ok.


Yes, you’re assumption would be correct. Happy knitting!

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