Bang Out a Sweater 2024: Crowberry Sweater

Mine is finished and I think I’d like the neckline lower too. May go back and just make rolled edge. Good luck.


I’m not an expert user of the Lounge interface. This message came into my email box directly.

Someone else responded that the 11” is from the back lower edge to armhole. The back section is longer due to the short rows.

Gerri Barosso

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Thanks Gerri! I’m new to the Lounge so I didn’t know how to post except by hitting reply - so sorry that you’re now getting the messages too!

Cheryl Bourguignon
Missoula, MT

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I just received my cord connector and tried on my sweater - bummer as it looks too big. I did a swatch and went down to a size 9 needle and did a new swatch and it was just right with the number of stitches and the number of rows. So off I went on my first sweater. I spread the bottom out and measured it after a several inches and it was still on tract. But now I’m up to the armholes and it’s too big. Is there any recourse now without frogging it all? I’ve been so excited about my first sweater. Should I just stop and get more yarn and start over?

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No worries! I don’t find it to be an intuitive interface.

Hope your sweater goes well!


Gerri Barosso

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I think that’s a pretty great idea! I can’t tolerate any animal fiber against my neck, so may give it a go without the last set of decreases just to see what happens. Thanks for the idea Peggy! :raised_hands:t2:


A couple weeks ago, I was cruising along with my sweater, happily knitting the yoke without regard for gauge. I bound off the neck, tried it on, and it was WAY too small. Like neckline up to my chin small. Yes, I could have foreseen this and done a gauge swatch for the colorwork. Instead, I had to rip out the yoke, swatch a couple times, and knit the yoke again. Now it fits much better! I’m finally onto the sleeves, trying to decide if I want to make them full length. I think it would be cute to do 3/4 length, too.


Good recovery! I love the marling in the body.


Can’t seem to photo a good representation of the colors! Took artistic license with edgings on my sweater, and the crowberries. I gave my sweater a bumper crop. I had a couple skeins of black lang cashmere light in stash, so my berries and edgings are cashmere. Soft on the skin!
2 sleeves to go.



Thanks! Yes, I am pleased with how the colors turned out. Just a little more to go. :muscle:

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Very pleased to have finished Banging Out a Sweater, which I finished on March 20, thanks (or not) to having come down with influenza and having no energy to due much else. Really enjoyed Lorilee’s classes and learned some good tricks that I can use on future garments.


Thanks for your reply, I finally figured it out and am on my way working the yoke! I may be back with more questions, I hope not but we’ll see Joan


I finished and am mostly happy with my result. Even though I thought I had gauge on my swatch the knitted vest is off and I should have paid more attention while I was blithely going along! Lorilee said to check the fit as we were going along but I’m chagrined to say I did not. This was a fun and fairly easy knit thanks to the great instructions from Lorilee. I might make it again and next time eliminate the bobbles and be more aware of my gauge as I’m barreling through.


I, too barreled through without checking fit! I had to redo the yoke. Glad yours seems to have worked out well!

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The scrappy, stripey No-berry Vest is on its way to a soaking!
I used a bunch of Lopi and I think I like it — even though I was not planning on the contrast neck binding. Can’t wait to try it on again after blocking.




Finished Mar 21. If I ever knit it again, I’d skip the crowberries-or do a better job. :wink: The subtle dark brown/black striping of the body doesn’t show. Done because given the stated quantities thought I would need two plates. Now have 1/2 each of brown and black leftover so stash didn’t shrink much!


I love the blue contrast color you used!

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I love this! The neckline looks nice and relaxed, no tightness, as do the rows right below the neck, into the colorwork. It’s a beautiful tension and needle size combination throughout. The colors are unexpected and lovely.